壬 (yang water) person

According to the Bazi, I am a 壬 (yang water) person.

壬 water people are like the water of the river and sea, are always on the move. Adaptive, intelligent and usually unable to stand or sit still. 壬 water people are also usually extroverts. They always have something on the boil (Water is always moving) but run the risk of becoming easily distracted and lacking focus. 壬 water types are adventurous people who enjoy robust activities. When they put their mind to it, 壬 water people are unstoppable! They are often rebellious and dislike being made to conform.

At 40, I am again at cross roads wanting to decide a direction, I think this beautiful decoded message will help me to stay there calm, look back in time and also the options ahead. My heart and soul will eventually guide me to the right direction in life, love and light.

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